EPISODE 43: Cole Vanthof


Where is the wakeboard movie Citrus? Cole Vanthof is a videographer in the watersports industry and currently works at Alliance Wakeboard Mag. Getting his start wakeboarding in Georgia, Cole fell in love with being on the water, eventually moving to Tampa shortly after highschool to ride at McCormicks. After several years of riding and being in the industry Cole eventually took a job at Alliance, helping them to create wakeboarding related content, as well as other projects that help pay the bills. Getting your butt cheek sliced open on a boat cleat, working at Ambush and BuyWake, filming the best pro riders, a full length film, filming tips, and being a semi-pro paintball player. Hear all that and much more in Episode 43 of the Grab Matters Podcast!


EPISODE 44: Matt Manzari


EPISODE 42: Kyle Alberts