EPISODE 44: Matt Manzari


Matt Manzari is alive, and that sentence alone is incredible. Having survived not one, but two life altering accidents Matt is truly an amazing human. But before these accidents lies a full professional career in wakeskating, one which holds NBD tricks and incredible video parts. Matt has made a proufound impact on the sport of wakeskating, even riding for Nike in his teen years. But tricks, video parts, or contest results don't define a person, and Matt is a perfect example of this. NBD's, video parts, thousands of pairs of shoes, team trips, pedicures, cracking your skull in 17 places, getting electrocuted, and over $5 Million in medical bills. Hear all that and much more in Episode 44 of the Grab Matters Podcast!


EPISODE 45: Trevor Hansen


EPISODE 43: Cole Vanthof